Monday, March 23, 2009

Family Vacation

This is near the petrifed trees that we found. This picture is looking westward on the West side of the Swell. I really had no idea it was so beautiful down there.
We found this petrified tree in the Swell. We had to be cautious about getting near and touching these things because they had uranium in them.

This is us at the Natural Bridges National Monument last night. It was getting pretty late and we had had a long day!

My little family hanging out in the Little Wild Horse Slot Canyon. I think this is where most of my sore muscles came from.

Well, we are right now sitting in a trailer park in Blanding, Utah! (I am so surprised that I am getting internet) The kids are having a great time and I am supposed to be doing homework. But I am taking a bit of time to share some photos of our fun. We have been gone since Friday, we spent some time exploring Goblin Valley, the San Rafael Swell, Natural Bridges Momnument, and Little Wild Horse Slot Canyon. I am sore, tired, and happy. I think everyone else is, too. Here are some pictures......
Now, we are on our way to Four Corners!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Dad's Toy

My cute father has been working on this '60 MGA Coupe for the last 4 years. He has built the thing pretty much from scratch. Isn't it the cutest thing ever?

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Well, it only took me 10 years of ER nursing, but today I took the official "CEN" (Certifed Emergency Nurse) exam.
I bought the Review Manual when Scott was in Afghanistan about 2 years ago, and took the review course last summer, but I finally got up enough courage to take the test.
Well, after prayer and study, I PASSED! I finally now can have 3 letters after my name and license that says that I really do know what I am talking about! He he he......

Monday, March 9, 2009

Bathroom Remodel

So, we don't like white walls. Earlier this weekend, Scott and I wanted to do something nice in our bathroom. We went ahead and decided to be bold! We went to the local home improvement website and played around with colors.
So, along with being bold, we picked some bold colors! When we first put them on the walls, we were a bit shocked! It looked like "diarrhea brown" on the counters and "Wicked Witch of the West Green" on the walls. Of course, paint dries a little differently than it applies.
It is slowly drying a little better.....I am posting the pics...What do you think?
Scott thinks we may need to tone it down a bit......