Monday, January 19, 2009

I wish I had a picture!

Boy, oh Boy! I was walking up the stairs to go to my bedroom, and I saw my cat, Bluebell on the toilet. At first, I didn't think anything of it, but then, I realized that she was facing me with her bum inside the toilet and her tail sticking straight up!

Her expression clearly said, "Excuse me, a little privacy, please?"


She jumped down and walked out of the bathroom. I went over to the toilet and sure enough, there was a little pee pee in the toilet.

And the punch line.....The litter box is next to the toilet! (My cat is a genius)

Husband Tagged

So, I guess there is this thing in the Blogging world, called "Being Tagged." I think it is great, but I have never done it, mostly because I think I am pretty boring. But since I got tagged to talk about one of my favorite subjects (my husband) I will do this gladly!

1. What is your husband's name? "Hottie" Scotty
2. What is your pet name for him? (too private)
3. How long have you guys been married? Can you believe 16 1/2 years?
4. How long did you date? Two (too long) years (I asked him to marry me after 6 months, but it took me another 18 months to convince him that we would do just fine!)
5. How old is he? Ha ha ha 41!!!!
6. Who is taller? Scott, by 5 or 6 inches.
7. Who can sing the best? Scott. He told me once when we were newlyweds that I couldn't sing, and I still haven't recovered. Even if he is right. Oh...there was that one lady that one time at church when I tried to go join the church choir. She told me that, too.
8. What is his biggest flaw? He is too honest and can't hide anything from me.
9. What is his strength? See #8
10. Who is smarter? Because I am so wise, I refuse to answer this one.
11. Who pays the bills? Definately Scott. But I offer to help, just so he thinks I care.
12. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Whoever has to get up first...that is where the alarm is...Usually Scott.
13. Who mows the lawn? Scott or the scouts in the neighborhood.
14. Who cooks dinner? This goes both ways. I must admit, the older I get, the less I want to cook! The kids are learning pretty quick.
15. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? Scott--but only because he is the only one that is ever wrong.
16. Who kissed who first? Kristie kissed Scott first. I usually do everything first--except apologise!
17. Who wears the pants? It is pretty equal in our home. I do defer to him a a lot of things. I trust and respect him!

Anyone who has me listed on their blog friend list is tagged! Answer if you like, I would love to read your answers!